Network Remote Identification (N-RID) under Development in Canada - Essential RTM Service
AIRmarket has been working with TELUS & NAV CANADA to advance a Network Remote Identification (N-RID) solution framework. In this video, we introduce the concept of Remote ID and the early stage integration testing completed with NAV CANADA, as explained by our Chief Pilot, Cale Griffith.
Our N-RID solution utilizes the TELUS 4G/LTE network to transmit RID messages (ASTM Compliant) into the SKYLINK UTM system to effectively track drones in real time. As part of a future RPAS Traffic Management (RTM) system, envisioned by NAV CANADA, we have demonstrated how the SKYLINK UTM system can be automatically integrated to share this data stream.
AIRmarket’s SKYLINK UTM is powered by ASTRA UTM and deployed in strategic partnership with TELUS Communications.